Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Professional Resolutions

Each year lots of folks make new year's resolutions: lose ten pounds, start exercising, stop smoking, attend church more regularly, stay in touch with friend and family more often. Most of the time the resolutions are centered on improving their personal lives, getting healthier, being more spiritual, or just plain being more positive about life.

But how often do you make professional resolutions?

January is a great time to make professional resolutions! It's the perfect time to reflect on the fall semester, half the school year, and determine what's working and what's not working and what in the world you need to resolve to improve with your library media program!

So, calling all you school library media folks! What professional resolutions are you making for this year, or at least the rest of the school year?

Deanna Harris
NCSLMA President-Elect

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